I am a mobile service, able to visit you and your child at home, school, early childhood centre or anywhere else that is easiest for you.
I believe in a holistic approach to communication - understanding your child's communication skills and goals in the context of their every day life. I believe in making assessment and therapy fun and interactive - learning through play.

The first step is for me to get to know you better - to understand your child and their skills and strengths, as well as any areas that you are concerned about.
Assessment is both informal (conversation, play, observation) and formal (standardised tests).
At the end of the assessment, we will discuss your child's communication skills and you can make an informed decision about whether or not you would like speech language therapy. A comprehensive written report can be provided on request.

Once assessment has been completed, we will talk together about the goals that are most important to you and your family.
My job is to provide you with information on specific speech and language development - we will use this information to set goals that are meaningful and relevant to you and your child.
The aim of therapy sessions is to find fun activities to help your child achieve their goals. Homework is provided after each session - these will be short activities that can fit in to your every day routines. Completing regular homework or practice means that your child will progress faster towards their goals.
Sessions are typically 45 minutes, but 1 hr sessions are also available.

Evidence shows us that a structured literacy approach is best for supporting our young learners with reading and spelling. I am trained in Sounds Write, which is an evidence-based literacy intervention.
For more information on Sounds Write - click here
If you'd like to chat about your child's reading and spelling, or structured literacy, please contact me.

It's never too early to start thinking about communication!
I am happy to visit coffee groups and answer any questions you have about children's communication. Topics include:
Communication milestones - what to expect and when
Strategies to build language skills
How to promote communication in every day activities
Using books to build language
Using play to build language
I am also available to talk or answer questions on any communication topic that your group is interested in.
Contact me for more information or to discuss what you'd like.